Saturday, August 27, 2011

2 weeks down

The last two weeks have been crazy! After we moved in from Thursday morning to Saturday night there were scheduled events to do. It was called Welcome Weekend, It wasn't awful but it was just so tiring. I met a lot of new people such as the theatre department and my floor mates. I live in the basement, or as I  call it The Dungeon of Dance.

The first week of classes has gone by now, and it seemed pretty easy. I'm sure they will get harder since I'm taking 16 credit hours of class, but I'm not too worried. I met all my teachers, and like all them except my math teacher who acts like she is teaching third graders and can't remember how to do the math herself. I took a bit of too easy of a math class. (Oops!) Other than her, I like all my professors. I haven't had too much homework yet, but I'm taking tonight off (Saturday) to get all my homework done with, so I can have Sunday free.

I've gotten to explore Des Moines a little bit too. My friend took me to the Statue Garden. That's a picture of me in one of the statues. It is a really cool statue, because the alphabet makes it up.

I also attended the theatre department party last night, I met a lot of new people and some I already knew. We all got dressed up, it was shall I say awesome.

With all this fun I hadn't been missing anything from home, except for the food because I have felt sick from the food in Hubbel all week. However, I realized today as the fun toned down that I really miss my baby brothers all three of you, and I really miss my mom. Hopefully the homesickness doesn't get worse, because I'm super busy this week.

I may or may not post next week depending on my schedule.

Girls from my hall.

My roommate Lauren and I

Evy and I

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Move in day complete!

Today I moved into my dorm. Our journey started yesterday at 6 a.m. We did make a pit stop, and that pit stop was at the Danish Immigrant Museum in Elkhorn, Iowa. (Fact: Danish people moved to Iowa, because it looks so much like Denmark!) {Extra fact: Dana College in Nebraska is actually pronounced Dan-a and is a Danish College!)

Some truck, with my name that we saw driving to Des Moines

Dana College!

Geneology chart- See we are really African Americans (sorta)
Now that we have arrived at Drake, My room is awesome! Thank God for my Dad helping and bringing stuff, it would of been a huge struggle. And It was really nice walking around with him! We set up my dorm, I will have more pictures later but I have a few now. This weekend is a lot of activities and a lot of fun.

I'm so glad I chose Drake, I know there will be a few moments where I cry or get scared. However, there is not better feeling thanknowing I'm standing on the edge just close to to see the whole world, and little bit of the secrets it holds. I'll try to write frequently!

If you by chance feel like writing, I will tell you my address.
It is my first and last name, Carpenter Hall, 2900 Forest Avenue, Des Moines IA, I can't remember the zip code (but you can look it up?)
Me and Dad!

Me and Mom

My desk area.

My lofted bed space.

Monday, August 15, 2011

It's here

Tomorrow (Tuesday) we leave from Parker to Des Moines at 6 a.m. We are packed to the limit, and I'm a little stressed. I'm still very excited for all the new things, but today me and Tony officially said "farewell".  Our departure from our relationship was a step towards having a mature college relationship. We are still going to be friends, hopefully best friends.

I'm a bit sad, and the stress is disappearing now that I'm packed and set. I can't wait to move into me dorm, and set it up.

I know this was a short blog, but I need to sleep, because we are going to pull out of the driveway at 6 a.m.

Monday, August 8, 2011

9 days till move in!

I haven't posted a blog recently, but time has just been flying by! I have 9 days till I move in, and start being a true young adult. No more laying around instead of doing laundry, no more mom calling me in sick if I have health issues, no more being a little kid. But I can still be a big kid, I heard college kids are more immature than high school kids, probably cause being so smart makes you loopy.

I have almost everything I need for college, but I haven't started my packing yet. I have a get together with my friends to say good bye this Friday (stop working at Taco Bell this Friday). Saturday I am spending the day with Sam, and at night a mini going away with the family. Sunday and Monday packing, but I think I'm going to squeeze in a pedicure for myself. Who wants to go to college with ugly toes, plus I won't be able to afford them after this.

I know who my roommate is she seems really nice, she is a music business major. I know my job for work study, I'm doing Recreation Services.  And I have a good idea of the things (activities) I'm intersted in: RHA, rowing?, Sorority, theatre?, DICEY (improv thing), and I'm sure there will be more to come.

I'm getting really excited about going to Drake, and really anxious/scared too. However, I can't think about the scared part anymore, because being scared ruins all the fun in being excited. So if you see me before I leave for Drake don't ask me what I'm scared of ask me what I'm excited for I'm sure I can name off a bazillion and one things.

Oh I also bought one too many books for college, so if anyone wants to buy "Native Gaurd Poems" by Natash Trethewey I will be selling one for under five dollars.