Tuesday, September 27, 2011

One Dana Kat. One Dream. One Destiny.


I really am just posting this blog, because I want everyone to see that cat. But I guess I can post a short blog about life too. It is going pretty good. I've had a cold for the last week, but it is finally starting to go away. Dog Sees God is this weekend, then I will get to start designing for Flue Season! I bought my pin and gaurd for ADPi, and found out my diamond sister. Her name is Megan, she is also from Colorado.

I did switch majors, because I decided I want to pursue what I'm passionate about. I am currently a double major in Writing (BA) and Technical Theatre Design (BFA). I think before class registration for next semester I am going to add a minor in Marketing, just in case the world doesn't pan out.

Short blog, I know, but like I said I really just wanted you all to see that cat.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Sometimes the Big life pushes you down, but you just got to choose to pick yourself up.

I have had a crazy week! Luckily it ended on a good note!

The Purple People Eater (that's the name of my Ipod.)
 The biggest bad thing that happened, was my Ipod broke. I had to send it into Apple where they will either fix it or give me a new one. It was an extremely unexpected expense.

However, in the big life there is really no need to think negatively and only remember the bad things. I had to learn that this week, because I got super disappointed about all the happenings in life and I was homesick. With this new life lesson under my belt I would like to list all the wonderful things that happened this week, and I am choosing to ignore the negatives. (Except my Ipod, because music=love.)

1. I learned two songs on Ukulele this week.
2. I am the Board Operator for Dog Sees God (Charlie Brown Spoof, super funny)
3. I am the Sound Designer for Flu Season (Straight play about finding love in an insane asylum)
4. This weekend was recruitment, and I wasn't sure at first if I would love the sorority life.
5. But I do love the sorority life. I am officially an ADPi (Alpha Delta Pi) The first sorority ever in America.

I think five is a good number to stop my list at.(In Christian Numerology the number five means law. Just to increase your literary knowledge.)

So to explain my list and why they are positives I will go one by one. I got a ukulele for my Birthday in December, and took lessons to learn to play before coming to Drake. I don't play chords very well, but I learned "Amazing Grace" and "Shortnin' Bread". I have "Shortnin' Bread" memorized. "Shortnin' Bread" is a Southern Folk Song, and is a short but sweet song.

I'm going to combine two and three, so I am currently a English and PR double major. However, I found this quote by Howard Thurman:

“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”

I have always come alive when I write, so I want to switch my primary major to writing. After I do sound for these two shows, I'm considering switching my Secondary major to a BFA in Technical Theatre Design. I know it doesn't seem like a good choice, but the sound here is so amazing and I love listening to a song and placing it to a scene. I love finding the perfect sound to create an atmosphere, writing and sound make me come alive. However, I am going to finish the semester off and be open minded. If I do switch I'm going to talk to my advisers, and ask if they think I could do a double major with a minor in Public Relations. As long as I plan my schedule right I will be able to do everything and then some. Plus most college students change their majors like four times.(We are all so indecisive.)
Now about the shows. For "Dog Sees God" I am sound board operator. Rehearsal for me starts on September 24th. The show dates are September 29, 30 and October 1, 2. Then for Flu Season, I am the sound designer. The show dates are December 1, 2, 3, 4. There is a difference between being sound board operator and being a sound designer. A designer will design the show they will select songs and sound effects for the show, they will choose where to put it, the designer will choose where the speakers should be placed in the theatre, and they will set up the qlab. A board operator operates the board during the show, they will hit go to run a cue. I'm working my way up, my tech theatre friend even thought it was unfair that tech isn't my major and I get to design. I am so excited to design for this show, and to learn all about the new things in the sound world. Below is the link to when shows are, and a little bit of more information.

I am also going to combine four and five together. Labor day weekend was sorority recruitment. I had a very interesting experience. The first night I visited all five of the sororities, I loved Alpha Theta Kappa, Alpha Phi, and Kappa Kappa Gamma. I didn't like Delta Gamma and my experience at Alpha Delta Pi was not the best. I originally didn't like Alpha Delta Pi, because when I went through recruitment they didn't have enough girls so that each person rushing could talk to one sister. So it was like going on a date with Flavor Flav from Flavor of Love, there was the one girl who could sing and take all the attention and then there was me the awkward quiet girl. Both nights I got stuck on the terrible double date, but ADPi was the only house that kept calling me back. On the last night of recruitment, called preference night, they explained why we had been chosen. There was this beautiful metaphor about flowers and how they are unique and then how when all the flowers are together in bouquet they make something beautiful. The metaphor hooked me. ADPi, bid on me the next day, and tonight I'm going to the Alpha ceremony. I love my sisterhood they are all super nice, and I'm going to work super hard to be a part of my sorority. We are required to do two hours a week in the library, 10 hours of community service a semester, a GPA of at least 2.6, and there will be dues. ADPi has the cheapest dues on campus. It is still expensive, but I want to have sisters so I'm going to find a way to make it happen.

Me and Bre, My bid day buddy
Thank you to Dad and Angie and Mom for helping me with my unexpected expenses this week including sorority and Ipod help.

I have had a great week when I only look at the positives. I'm super excited for everything happening. I have sorority retreat on Friday night, Executive Council Lock-In on Saturday (I'm Publicity Chair for Carpenter Hall), and Parents Weekend is next week :) I can't wait to post again, maybe I'll put a video up next time!
Preference Night Outfit
For Bid Day Activities we went to Incredible Pizza, a dave and buster like place. We all got mustaches.