Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Break: 2011 in review

My first trip around Chicago with my sorority sister Sarah

My 19th birthday with my sorority sister adn close fring Amy.

This summer our family photo.

Me, Grandma Virginia, and my mom at Honors Convocation

Me, Grandma Virginia, and my mom at Tony's after graduation for brunch

My sorority sister Rory and me at a pre-halloween party, before we went to TKE

Those are some pictures from 2011. Within this last year I graduated high school, I turned 19, I'm going to my dream college, I am in sorority meeting my friends and sisters for life, and I've grown as a person.

When I first got to Drake University I thrived. We had our door open all the time, I was constantly meeting new people, and I was so excited for everything. Then a few weeks in I got homesick, I missed being home with my mom, my cats, and I missed my ex-boyfriend Tony. Then I rushed for sorority. I was so upset when Alpha Delta Pi was the only soroity interested in me, but my mom told me to finish recruitment. I'm so glad that my mom is smart and told me to stick with it. I loved ADPi on the last night of recruitment, and I joined. I'm going to be philanthropy chair for the year 2012. I've met a lot of great girls, and I'm sure I'm going to be friends with them for life. (Emily, Sarah, Amy, Nichole, Rory, Bre, Megan.)

So I got friends. I wasn't homesick anymore. I just needed to really choose my major. I was PR and English, but that didn't feel right. So I tried Technical Theatre Design and Writing. Didn't fit. So now I'm a double major Secondary education endorsement in english and possibly theatre and reading and my second major is writing. I think this is a great mix: I enjoy kids, I love to write, and I want to change the world.

Speaking of majors, I have one more class that needs to post and then I will offically know my final grades for my first semester at college. For my scholarhsip I needed to keep a 2.5, I currently have based off 5 out of 6 classes a 3.45 GPA. (Pretty good for first semester, and I got a B in Ethics the hardest class I've ever taken.)

I've grown up a lot I'm more mature and I've been through a little bit more. My friend Scott from high school passed away and my Grandma Virginia passed away.

Even with the sadness, I have to say it has been a great year. Thank you to all my family and friends for your support and help while I attend college. I love you all, Merry Christmas, Happy New Years, and God bless every one of you.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Thanksgiving Break

I came home for Thanksgiving break this weekend, and before I continue my blog I just wanted to go through a few things I'm thankful for...

My mom: She is my biggest fan, my coach, my best friend, and so much more. I'm so glad I got to spend time with her, because even though I don't call her and tell her or oovoo her I really do miss her. I miss her so much, and I'm really sad to leave tomorrow.

My cats: I was worried that my cats weren't going to love me, but I come home and Millie meowed at me and we all cuddled for an hour or two.

My dad and Angie: They bought me my ticket home, and I'm so grateful because I was totally ready to come home. I love them so much. I'm so glad they support me and Drake, because I love my school!

My sorority sisters: They have really made Drake a home away from home, and I love them for everything!

My Aunt Karyn, Uncle Tom, and Grandma Virginia: Thanks for coming to my first show! I can't wait to see you at Christmas!

I'm thankful for lots more, but that's a good start!

So the semester is coming to a close, I am three weeks away from finals and from my birthday. I only have three finals and have to turn in one portfolio for my poetry class. It is looking like I'm going to pass this semester with A's and B's, but my Ethics grade is walking on a fine line. (Aiming for an A!)

I have my show this week! I did the sound design for "The Flu Season" and it will be playing on December 1st- 4th. I'm very excited about my design, but a little nervous.

I am really loving Drake, and I'm very excited for next semester!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

One Dana Kat. One Dream. One Destiny.

I really am just posting this blog, because I want everyone to see that cat. But I guess I can post a short blog about life too. It is going pretty good. I've had a cold for the last week, but it is finally starting to go away. Dog Sees God is this weekend, then I will get to start designing for Flue Season! I bought my pin and gaurd for ADPi, and found out my diamond sister. Her name is Megan, she is also from Colorado.

I did switch majors, because I decided I want to pursue what I'm passionate about. I am currently a double major in Writing (BA) and Technical Theatre Design (BFA). I think before class registration for next semester I am going to add a minor in Marketing, just in case the world doesn't pan out.

Short blog, I know, but like I said I really just wanted you all to see that cat.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Sometimes the Big life pushes you down, but you just got to choose to pick yourself up.

I have had a crazy week! Luckily it ended on a good note!

The Purple People Eater (that's the name of my Ipod.)
 The biggest bad thing that happened, was my Ipod broke. I had to send it into Apple where they will either fix it or give me a new one. It was an extremely unexpected expense.

However, in the big life there is really no need to think negatively and only remember the bad things. I had to learn that this week, because I got super disappointed about all the happenings in life and I was homesick. With this new life lesson under my belt I would like to list all the wonderful things that happened this week, and I am choosing to ignore the negatives. (Except my Ipod, because music=love.)

1. I learned two songs on Ukulele this week.
2. I am the Board Operator for Dog Sees God (Charlie Brown Spoof, super funny)
3. I am the Sound Designer for Flu Season (Straight play about finding love in an insane asylum)
4. This weekend was recruitment, and I wasn't sure at first if I would love the sorority life.
5. But I do love the sorority life. I am officially an ADPi (Alpha Delta Pi) The first sorority ever in America.

I think five is a good number to stop my list at.(In Christian Numerology the number five means law. Just to increase your literary knowledge.)

So to explain my list and why they are positives I will go one by one. I got a ukulele for my Birthday in December, and took lessons to learn to play before coming to Drake. I don't play chords very well, but I learned "Amazing Grace" and "Shortnin' Bread". I have "Shortnin' Bread" memorized. "Shortnin' Bread" is a Southern Folk Song, and is a short but sweet song.

I'm going to combine two and three, so I am currently a English and PR double major. However, I found this quote by Howard Thurman:

“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”

I have always come alive when I write, so I want to switch my primary major to writing. After I do sound for these two shows, I'm considering switching my Secondary major to a BFA in Technical Theatre Design. I know it doesn't seem like a good choice, but the sound here is so amazing and I love listening to a song and placing it to a scene. I love finding the perfect sound to create an atmosphere, writing and sound make me come alive. However, I am going to finish the semester off and be open minded. If I do switch I'm going to talk to my advisers, and ask if they think I could do a double major with a minor in Public Relations. As long as I plan my schedule right I will be able to do everything and then some. Plus most college students change their majors like four times.(We are all so indecisive.)
Now about the shows. For "Dog Sees God" I am sound board operator. Rehearsal for me starts on September 24th. The show dates are September 29, 30 and October 1, 2. Then for Flu Season, I am the sound designer. The show dates are December 1, 2, 3, 4. There is a difference between being sound board operator and being a sound designer. A designer will design the show they will select songs and sound effects for the show, they will choose where to put it, the designer will choose where the speakers should be placed in the theatre, and they will set up the qlab. A board operator operates the board during the show, they will hit go to run a cue. I'm working my way up, my tech theatre friend even thought it was unfair that tech isn't my major and I get to design. I am so excited to design for this show, and to learn all about the new things in the sound world. Below is the link to when shows are, and a little bit of more information.

I am also going to combine four and five together. Labor day weekend was sorority recruitment. I had a very interesting experience. The first night I visited all five of the sororities, I loved Alpha Theta Kappa, Alpha Phi, and Kappa Kappa Gamma. I didn't like Delta Gamma and my experience at Alpha Delta Pi was not the best. I originally didn't like Alpha Delta Pi, because when I went through recruitment they didn't have enough girls so that each person rushing could talk to one sister. So it was like going on a date with Flavor Flav from Flavor of Love, there was the one girl who could sing and take all the attention and then there was me the awkward quiet girl. Both nights I got stuck on the terrible double date, but ADPi was the only house that kept calling me back. On the last night of recruitment, called preference night, they explained why we had been chosen. There was this beautiful metaphor about flowers and how they are unique and then how when all the flowers are together in bouquet they make something beautiful. The metaphor hooked me. ADPi, bid on me the next day, and tonight I'm going to the Alpha ceremony. I love my sisterhood they are all super nice, and I'm going to work super hard to be a part of my sorority. We are required to do two hours a week in the library, 10 hours of community service a semester, a GPA of at least 2.6, and there will be dues. ADPi has the cheapest dues on campus. It is still expensive, but I want to have sisters so I'm going to find a way to make it happen.

Me and Bre, My bid day buddy
Thank you to Dad and Angie and Mom for helping me with my unexpected expenses this week including sorority and Ipod help.

I have had a great week when I only look at the positives. I'm super excited for everything happening. I have sorority retreat on Friday night, Executive Council Lock-In on Saturday (I'm Publicity Chair for Carpenter Hall), and Parents Weekend is next week :) I can't wait to post again, maybe I'll put a video up next time!
Preference Night Outfit
For Bid Day Activities we went to Incredible Pizza, a dave and buster like place. We all got mustaches.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

2 weeks down

The last two weeks have been crazy! After we moved in from Thursday morning to Saturday night there were scheduled events to do. It was called Welcome Weekend, It wasn't awful but it was just so tiring. I met a lot of new people such as the theatre department and my floor mates. I live in the basement, or as I  call it The Dungeon of Dance.

The first week of classes has gone by now, and it seemed pretty easy. I'm sure they will get harder since I'm taking 16 credit hours of class, but I'm not too worried. I met all my teachers, and like all them except my math teacher who acts like she is teaching third graders and can't remember how to do the math herself. I took a bit of too easy of a math class. (Oops!) Other than her, I like all my professors. I haven't had too much homework yet, but I'm taking tonight off (Saturday) to get all my homework done with, so I can have Sunday free.

I've gotten to explore Des Moines a little bit too. My friend took me to the Statue Garden. That's a picture of me in one of the statues. It is a really cool statue, because the alphabet makes it up.

I also attended the theatre department party last night, I met a lot of new people and some I already knew. We all got dressed up, it was shall I say awesome.

With all this fun I hadn't been missing anything from home, except for the food because I have felt sick from the food in Hubbel all week. However, I realized today as the fun toned down that I really miss my baby brothers all three of you, and I really miss my mom. Hopefully the homesickness doesn't get worse, because I'm super busy this week.

I may or may not post next week depending on my schedule.

Girls from my hall.

My roommate Lauren and I

Evy and I

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Move in day complete!

Today I moved into my dorm. Our journey started yesterday at 6 a.m. We did make a pit stop, and that pit stop was at the Danish Immigrant Museum in Elkhorn, Iowa. (Fact: Danish people moved to Iowa, because it looks so much like Denmark!) {Extra fact: Dana College in Nebraska is actually pronounced Dan-a and is a Danish College!)

Some truck, with my name that we saw driving to Des Moines

Dana College!

Geneology chart- See we are really African Americans (sorta)
Now that we have arrived at Drake, My room is awesome! Thank God for my Dad helping and bringing stuff, it would of been a huge struggle. And It was really nice walking around with him! We set up my dorm, I will have more pictures later but I have a few now. This weekend is a lot of activities and a lot of fun.

I'm so glad I chose Drake, I know there will be a few moments where I cry or get scared. However, there is not better feeling thanknowing I'm standing on the edge just close to to see the whole world, and little bit of the secrets it holds. I'll try to write frequently!

If you by chance feel like writing, I will tell you my address.
It is my first and last name, Carpenter Hall, 2900 Forest Avenue, Des Moines IA, I can't remember the zip code (but you can look it up?)
Me and Dad!

Me and Mom

My desk area.

My lofted bed space.

Monday, August 15, 2011

It's here

Tomorrow (Tuesday) we leave from Parker to Des Moines at 6 a.m. We are packed to the limit, and I'm a little stressed. I'm still very excited for all the new things, but today me and Tony officially said "farewell".  Our departure from our relationship was a step towards having a mature college relationship. We are still going to be friends, hopefully best friends.

I'm a bit sad, and the stress is disappearing now that I'm packed and set. I can't wait to move into me dorm, and set it up.

I know this was a short blog, but I need to sleep, because we are going to pull out of the driveway at 6 a.m.

Monday, August 8, 2011

9 days till move in!

I haven't posted a blog recently, but time has just been flying by! I have 9 days till I move in, and start being a true young adult. No more laying around instead of doing laundry, no more mom calling me in sick if I have health issues, no more being a little kid. But I can still be a big kid, I heard college kids are more immature than high school kids, probably cause being so smart makes you loopy.

I have almost everything I need for college, but I haven't started my packing yet. I have a get together with my friends to say good bye this Friday (stop working at Taco Bell this Friday). Saturday I am spending the day with Sam, and at night a mini going away with the family. Sunday and Monday packing, but I think I'm going to squeeze in a pedicure for myself. Who wants to go to college with ugly toes, plus I won't be able to afford them after this.

I know who my roommate is she seems really nice, she is a music business major. I know my job for work study, I'm doing Recreation Services.  And I have a good idea of the things (activities) I'm intersted in: RHA, rowing?, Sorority, theatre?, DICEY (improv thing), and I'm sure there will be more to come.

I'm getting really excited about going to Drake, and really anxious/scared too. However, I can't think about the scared part anymore, because being scared ruins all the fun in being excited. So if you see me before I leave for Drake don't ask me what I'm scared of ask me what I'm excited for I'm sure I can name off a bazillion and one things.

Oh I also bought one too many books for college, so if anyone wants to buy "Native Gaurd Poems" by Natash Trethewey I will be selling one for under five dollars.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Taco Bell-->First job---> 2,000 dollar scholarship!

I know I posted yesterday. However, today we found out I won the Glen Bell Scholarship. Which means I have 2,000 dollars towards college now. And if we apply for another part to it, I can get double that.

Even though I have not always said the kindest of things about Taco Bell, such as my essay about or my stand up comedy, I am truly so thankful for that job. I feel as though I have a ton of life experience. I feel I understand hospitality and cleaning much better! And now this.

This is one of the best afternoons ever!

Friday, July 1, 2011

It is sooo close

I just got off work, and I've been texting my friend to get out. Because I work everyday and you know I wan to go have some fun! Well as I sit here waiting I'm realizing there is less than 50 days till I go to college.

There is less than 50 days for me to weigh 140 pounds. There is less than 50 days till I won't see my mom everyday. There is less than 50 days till I get a hundred new best friends. I'm terrified and exciteed for the next 50 days.

We have been planning my move in stuff, and I just want to give a special thanks to Kat who gave me such a wonderful graduation gift (and more). Thank you so much for all the help.

I'll probably post a few more blogs when I get there. and then I will try to keep everyone updated from there.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

"I'm going on a picnic..."

Actually I'm going on vacation. But I keep thinking about that game from when I was little, and everyone sat in a circle and went one by one saying "I'm going on a picnic and I'm going to bring..." and you said an item in alphabetical order. I'm not really little anymore,and it's been years since I played that game. However, I think I play that game every day I work at Taco Bell.

"I'm going to the back and I'm going to get large lids, medium cups, kids toys, and strawberries." Not exactly alphabetical order but life doesn't happen a to z it happens a to q to c to 7. (That's right sometimes it throws in curve balls or in alphabet situations numbers.)

Anyways I keep thinking of this game as I prepare to go to Iowa, where I will attend summer orientation for Drake University. I'm hoping to meet my new best friend, and a few other people who I can hang out with immediately getting to Drake this fall. We are also going to find a bank for me, and after Iowa....FLORIDA! I'm so excited all I brought was tank tops and shorts. Actually let me put it this way: "I'm going to college orientation and I brought my work application, my immunization forms, and my FYS choices." and "I'm going to Florida and I brought my clothes, flip flops, Drake hoodie, and Make Up. Sun lotion too!"

Can't wait to blog about orientation and Florida!

Sunday, May 15, 2011


It is the Sunday before Graduation. I celebrated with the family Angie's birthday tonight after work, and it was a blast hanging with my cousin Emily. I got done with school last Thursday.

We had Harvey Awards on Friday night. I was up for Best Comedic Actress for comedy night, and I was up for Most Important Female Tech. I won Most Important Female Tech, and got a really cool trophy. As a thespian officer I also announced two awards, and as a senior I did my last performance on stage. It was an original poem called, "Theatre Moves Me". I think my mom got some great pictures of me, and she said my poem was really great. (I'm gonna put it on here unless I can't find it).

On Saturday we had our senior barbecue. As an officer for that I created "fake" awards to all the seniors to organize the goodbyes. The awards were really just thank you cards personalized for each one of the 33 seniors. It was pretty great, and we also did senior gag gifts.

At Angie's B-Day party, I hung out with my cousin Emily and she reminded how thankful I should be that my family is helping me go to the school of my dreams this fall---
 You guys probably don't know this, but Drake originally wasn't even on my list of schools I was interested in. We were visiting the University of Iowa and my mom said lets check out other schools while we are here. First was U of I, and it was HUGE. Way too big for me. And the next day, we went to Drake. I have never believed in love at first sight, but the moment I started learning about Drake and saw their campus, and took a picture with a bulldog. I knew it was the school for me. I applied officially for two schools, the third school said I didn't turn in my essay (I did though.) I got in to all three schools. I got into Drake, CU Boulder, and University of Colorado Denver. I didn't want to go to CU Boulder, because it was too BIG like U of I. UCD was really a back up plan, but it would of only cost like 6,000 dollars a semester if I lived at home with my mom. (Sorry I didn't choose there). I chose Drake. Yes, it is a private college. Yes, it is an expensive college. But I didn't choose it, because of wanting to go to an expensive college or because the name will look great on resumes. I chose Drake, because of the class sizes. I chose Drake, because of the First Year Seminar I will take that will let me meet new people. I chose Drake, because when I set the bar it has to be too high and I have to get out of my comfort zone. I chose Drake, because when I picture myself at a school I can't see myself anywhere but there.
My family is really helping me accomplish my dreams, and that means the world to me. I'm sorry that it has been a bit of a burden, and that maybe I never showed my passion for this school. However, Drake is my school. It is where I'm meant to go. So Thank You All. A Lot. I couldn't get to Drake on my own.

Graduation is this Thursday, and Honors Convocation is on Wednesday at 7 pm. I have a very busy graduation agenda, but I can't wait to see all my family. Before I post this blog I want to put my poem on here, and I also want to put a song on here that I really like.

"Theatre Moves Me"
Theatre moves me
to crawl out of my comfort zone
to say hi to strangers
to welcome others into my life with open arms
Theatre transforms me
to become an eagle and soar
makes me be a lion and roar
it sends me to make new friends
get back old ones,
and tells me to be the change in the world
that I want to see in it
Theatre moves me
to set the stage for Ghandi
to remember the words of Martin Luther King Jr.
I have a dream, A dream of where
sound isn't just a tech its an art
its more than just a job for some
old fart-
Sound moves me
to shout to the heavens
and thank God for all the blessings in
my life
Sound moves me
to smile when you don't show up
rather than cry
it moves me so much
that I can say I forgive you
and it allows me
to dance about the stage joyously
praising the love I have received-
Theatres moves me
to try new things,
act like a butterfly my director may say
or play a drunk
or how bout you drown tonight?
Theatre moves me
to have a passion
about fashion,
fashion setting the world on fire
like wildfires!
Japan, Haiti, Bullying, Suicide,
Theatre inspires me
to write a play all in slam poetry
to sing even when I can't hit the right notes
"I see a river, flowing for freedom,
I see a river just in you..."
Music moves me
it sends me in to the past
a time machine to the 1930's
or to the future where
cars hover and the water is all run out,
placing me all around the world
A mirror to the world, music
 fills my heart-
Theatre is a movement
setting a movement within me
sending me far away
taking me back to the good old days,

Back to that special day-
Theatre is the Earth, wind under my feet
Acting is me coming out of my shell
Sound is keeping me close to the ground;
Theatre moves me
in so many ways.
Me performing

Me and Annie (She is a freshman, and will be on American Idol one day)

Prom (me and Regan.)

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Did you know I'm going to college?

I got this really awesome Drake Hoodie today. Thanks Aunt Karyn and Uncle Tom
I know I just posted a blog this week, but I received a box of college stuff today. And I'm really excited about it, because Drake is so close. Also I wanted to say that I got into "You Can't Take It With You" I play Gay Wellington a drunk actress. Also, Issue Driven went really well even though the show was only 40 mins long.  I can't wait to go to Drake this fall, I'm getting more and more excited.
I got a box full of college stuff. (Including an Iron, gum, razzles, poster putty, sewing kit, laundry hamper, and more)! Thanks Aunt Karyn and Uncle Tom

Me in my Taco Bell hat, because today is Sunday and I have to go to work.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

It's official. I'm going to Drake.

Although there was never any doubt in my mind. We got the financial aid package this weekend, and Drake is giving me a little bitmore money and I qualified for work study. There's about $9,000 I still need, but the important part is I'm practically there. I'm going to work over summer to get probably 2,000 more dollars. Then any graduation money I get is going straight to the college account. I am so excited to go to Drake. I just can't wait.

This month has been really busy. I made it to sixth place at state for DECA. I got a call back for the spring play, and find out tomorrow if I'm in it or not. The show is "You Can't Take It With You." It is a straight play, but a comedy none the less. My club is about to do a huge event, and I think as an organizer it is going to go very well.

My last highschool spring break is next week, and I'm going to hang out at home cleaning and doing homework. Maybe playing a little sims. I'm totally ready for a break from school.

I currently weigh 156 lbs to 157 lbs. And the goal is to lose about 11 more pounds before prom which is April 16. I really hope I make that goal, so I can look Fab-U-lous at prom.

This picture is from this summer before I took my senior photos. I had allergies which is why my eyes look so watery. Hopefully I don't have allergies during the summer at Drake.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Getting Graduation Ready.

It is almost the end of the month of January, and I can say that I have lost about 5 to 6 pounds. The goal is to weigh 130 by graduation (which is May 19). I'm really proud of myself for taking initiative to lose the weight, and I'm hoping when it comes to the Freshman fifteen mine doesn't happen.

The month of February is going to be crazy! I have a charity theatre show that I choreographed two parts in and I'm doing the sound for. I am going to DECA state at the end of the month, but have practices once a week. Then the weekend of DECA is the first week of Footloose at school. The month is so busy, it will probably just fly by.

I'm so excited to go to Drake this fall. I can barely describe it into words. My mom is going to take me to Florida for a few days as a graduation gift. I've decided I'm definitely going to do a Double major in English and most likely Public Relations with a degree in secondary education. It will be a lot of hard work, but I think I can handle it.

These next few months are going to disappear so quickly, with Spring shows, comedy night, working at Taco Bell, everything! I guess I'll just have to keep pushing through it all.

This is from Christmas when I got new make up. Sorry that it is sideways.